As in many countries, motherhood in Germany is still something sacred. This makes it almost impossible for women to question the status quo, to openly and honestly talk about what it means to be a mother. In 2015 Germany launched a debate on "Regretting Motherhood". This is the first documentary film, that gives women the chance to talk about their feelings and experiences freely and anonymously.
Year: 2017
Length: 18 Min.
Director: Felizitas Hoffmann & Merle Grimme
Director of Photography: Felix Pflieger & Thomas Spitschka
Producer: Julian Anselmino & Marie Freund
Produced by: DREIFILM
Filmschoolfest Munich 2017
24th Etiuda & Amina Kraków 2017
Internationale Kurzfilmwoche Regensburg 2017
DOK.fest - - marketplace, 2016, Projects Young Filmmakers Award, Finalist