After a car accident and haunting visions of his dead daughter 68 years old Stanis starts digging a hole in the ground near his house. Two strangers appear of which one seems to understand Stanis' urge. Meanwhile the hole deepens and a house cat vanishes.
Year: 2019
Length: 81 min.
Director: Lukas Väth
Director of Photography: Lukas Nicolaus
With: Zbigniew Cieslar, Leonie Ignatiadou, Julita Witt, Marko Dyrlich, Luis Lüps, Esther Kuhn, Moritz Rauch, Knut Fehlauer
Screenplay: Lukas Väth
Editor: Lukas Väth
Music by: Lukas Väth
Art Director: Anouk Schuller
Costume Design: Hannah Bohnenberg
Makeup: Natalie Schreiber
Sound: Peter Kautzsch
Producer: Christine Resch
Produced by: DREIFILM / HFF Munich